A look back at… Trunk or Treat

In the few days left of 2008, I’d like to share some videos we’ve taken of some of the fun things we’ve done this year. So if I find the time, look for more popping up in the next few days. Here’s a couple from our Trunk or Treat event at church and the “after-party.” We election-themed our trunks, one representing M&Ms and the other representing Skittles. Then we “campaigned”  for each trunk and waited to see which one the kids would “vote” for. However, most of the kids couldn’t figure out why they couldn’t just get candy from both trunks. Oh well, even if the kids didn’t quite get it, we still had a blast shouting out our propaganda. (Who won you might ask? Skittles, of course!)

Afterward, we headed over to Steak ‘n Shake for some food, hang-out time, and of course, haikuing.